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Integral Coaching

Writer's picture: Dmitry MilashchukDmitry Milashchuk

Coaching is very different, and everyone understands it depending on which "specialist" he met first.

Unfortunately, there are many low-skilled people in the industry, but professionals also understand coaching differently depending on the methods they use.

Therefore, I need to convey as much information as possible about the approach that I use.

So, integral coaching:

1. Integral Coaching includes all aspects of a person's life.

For example, if your request is about starting your own business, most likely we will probably touch on the topics of your psychosomatic state and physical activity.

2. Integral Coaching is not limited to solving one request.

Case study (with the client's permission): a coachee came to me with a request to find her favorite business in which she could develop. We answered and at the same time solved the initially unspoken requests to harmonize relations with loved ones and increase emotional stability.

3. Integral Coaching doesn't use templates.

Every time a new person turns to me, I first immerse myself in his world, and only then I offer practices and exercises. The requests may be the same, but the solutions are always different.

4. Integral Coaching aims for the long term.

The goal of coaching is not only to answer the client's request, but also to make sure that new practices and behaviors are firmly embedded in his life, i.e.if you want to become a runner, the goal is not to run a marathon, but to develop the habit of running.

5. Integral Coaching focuses on the individual.

Integral coaching is based on the philosophy of existentialism, focused on the inner perception of the human world rather than the external environment, therefore, self-reflection, and not ready-made solutions, underlie the achievement of the result. An example would be my last post about toxic people.

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